Thursday, February 25, 2010

David Talbot Denounces D'uh History Channel's right-wing smear job on JFK

Almost 50,000 of you signed our petition to the History Channel telling them that you refuse to watch their programming if they're going to produce right-wing propaganda and call it "history."

In response to our video and your petition, Stephen Kronish, a screenwriter for "The Kennedys," told The New York Times that he based his script on books by renowned Kennedy historians, mentioning David Talbot as one of his sources. "If I'm wrong," Kronish told The Times, "I guess all of them are wrong."

So we tracked down David Talbot, who has read the script, and asked him what he thinks of Kronish's claim to have based his story on Talbot's research. Here's what Talbot had to say.

Kronish and his friends at The History Channel just keep digging their hole deeper. Let's keep the pressure on until they stop making excuses and start providing us with a balanced portrayal of history.

Send our petition to your friends and family today! It's critical that we let as many people as possible know about this outrageous piece of right-wing propaganda from The History Channel.

Robert Greenwald, Leighton Woodhouse
and the Brave New Films team
P.S. - Check out New York Times' coverage on David Talbot.

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