Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The State Dept says Oswald acted alone, and they comment on other conspiracy theories

Conspiracy Theories and Misinformation

Under "Domestic" they have:

Perhaps more conspiracies surround Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated President John Kennedy in 1963 than anyone in American history.  The Soviet KGB, Cuba, the mafia, the CIA, and others have been blamed for killing Kennedy, but all evidence indicates that Oswald acted alone.

The text "Oswald acted alone" is a link to a blog by the coward, Todd Leventhal.  

Todd is described as "the Department’s expert on conspiracy theories and misinformation—stories that are untrue, but widely believed. He enjoys reading obituaries, which tell the personal stories of people who have shaped the fabric of American life.

Todd became interested in international affairs after a four-month trip to the Soviet Union, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India in 1972. He worked for Voice of America for seven years and bikes to work year-round."  

This blog is an authoritarian homage to Vincent Buglosi's book.  This blog “has been archived.  This content will remain available but will not be updated and commenting is disabled.”  See?  He’s a coward.  

And this is what he had to say on the topic of the JFK Assassination:

Lee Harvey Oswald, Lone Assassin
— By Todd Leventhal, 21 July 2009

Last week, I did a Web chat on conspiracy theories, in which I was surprised by the number of questions on the Kennedy assassination.

The most comprehensive book on this subject is the 1600-page book Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy by Vincent Bugliosi, published in 2007. Bugliosi clearly establishes that Oswald acted alone.

From an early age, Oswald was a bitter, angry loner, ill-suited to working with, much less taking orders, from others. At age 13, he told his school psychiatrist “I dislike everybody.” He quit or was fired from every job he ever held, except a factory job he had in the Soviet Union.

Oswald had extreme political views. He defected to the USSR in 1959, requesting Soviet citizenship “because I am a Communist,” complaining that he “lived in a decadent capitalist society, where the workers are slaves.” He tried to commit suicide when the Soviets denied his request.

Oswald was quickly disillusioned by Soviet communism and returned to the United States in 1962, but still idealized Cuban communism. He was not the type of person likely to want to work for the CIA, KGB, or the Mafia, or whom any of these organizations would want to entrust with the most sensitive mission imaginable.

The KGB observed Oswald closely while he was in the USSR and concluded that he was a “mediocre, uninteresting, useless man,” in the words of Vladimir Semichastny, who headed the KGB when Oswald lived in the USSR. Semichastny added, “I had always respected the CIA and FBI, and we knew their work and what they were capable of. It was clear that Oswald was not an agent, couldn’t be an agent, for the CIA or FBI,” noting that “Oswald’s actions in Minsk [where he lived in the USSR] were not those of a foreign agent. His primary interest was in attending dances.”

Bugliosi quotes one of Oswald’s friends when he lived in Fort Worth, Texas, George de Mohrenschildt, who wrote:

I never would believe that any government would be stupid enough to trust Lee with anything important … an unstable individual, mixed-up individual, uneducated individual, without background. What government would give him any confidential work? No government would.

In April 1963, Oswald attempted to kill retired General Edwin Walker, a fierce anti-Communist. This was an act characteristic of an unstable individual, not that of a government agent. In August 1963, he planned to hijack a plane to Cuba — not a likely activity for a secret U.S. or Soviet government agent or a Mafia hit man. In September 1963, he traveled to Mexico City, visiting both the Cuban and Soviet embassies in an unsuccessful attempt to travel to Cuba, where he apparently hoped to defect — again, not the act of someone secretly working for the United States, USSR, or the Mafia.

Bugliosi also points out that Oswald had no help from any co-conspirators when fleeing after killing President Kennedy. He took a bus and then a cab back to his room in Dallas, and then hid in a movie theater.

Oswald only had a total of $183.87 when he killed President Kennedy. He lived in a tiny (1.5 meters by four meters) room, which he rented for eight dollars per week. Nobody had paid him a lot of money to be an assassin.

Oswald was obsessed with making his mark in history. He told his wife that someday he would be “prime minister” of the United States – a job that has never existed. He was a fool but, tragically, made it into the history books, entirely on his own.

Where to begin? Bugliosi’s book is not the most comprehensive, it is merely the latest “Oswald did it” book.  And it was not written solely by Vincent Bugliosi.

James DiEugenio has done a superb job of debunking Bugliosi’s book.  

It is laughable to quote a 13 year old Lee Harvey Oswald.  It is laughable to quote any 13 year old about anything.  Was Oswald truly unique when he said, “I dislike everybody,” when he was 13? Doesn’t everybody say that when they are 13, or at some point in their childhood or teenage years?  

What is striking in this pathetic, authoritarian argument that “Oswald did it” are the glaring omissions.  The Warren Commission is not mentioned once.  

Nor can Todd be bothered to tell you how many agencies within the State Dept. had files on Oswald.  Nor does he tell you the story of Otto Otepka.  

For the record, the Soviet Division, the Passport Office, the Classified Files Section and the State Department’s own internal intelligence agency, the Intelligence and Research Bureau all had their own files on Oswald.  This is by no means a complete listing of all State Dept. files on Oswald.  

That Oswald was a U.S. Marine is missing too. Oswald had crypto-secret clearance and worked at the U-2 base at Atsugi, Japan the largest CIA base in the world at that time.  The notion that Oswald was not trustworthy, no one would want to work with him, and no one would entrust him with sensitive information or an important mission is total BS.  He would never, ever get near a U-2 if that was true.  

For the first time that I can recall someone has made the point that Oswald liked one form of Communism over another based on which Communist country one is talking about.  The idea that Oswald preferred Cuban Communism is new and whitewashes a huge part of the story, Oswald being in Mexico City 6 weeks before the murder of JFK allegedly making a threat to kill JFK in front of Cubans in the Cuban consulate.  

BTW, Todd you’re completely wrong on this. Oswald suddenly wants to go back to Russia via Mexico City and Cuba in the Fall of ‘63. This is very strange in and of itself because it’s an illegal route, Americans are barred from traveling to Cuba, and he could still go back the way he did originally through Helsinki. So, why does he want to go this way? Oswald does not want to end up in Cuba, he wants to go back to Russia.  So, he’s completely wrong about favoring Cuban Communism over Soviet Communism in Russia.  
There is a huge controversy over whether Oswald actually was in Mexico City at all. Was Oswald there for a specific period of time and then left? Was Oswald there and simultaneously impersonated? Or was Oswald not there at all and someone impersonated him.  It doesn’t really matter which scenario, we’ll take them all because Oswald is associated with Soviets in their embassy and/or consulate, with Cubans in their embassy and/or consulate, with a threat on JFK’s life, with a known KGB officer, Valery Kostikov, the Soviet in charge of assassinations in the Western Hemisphere and all of this was in the hands of many U.S. intelligence agencies prior to the assassination and no one took any action about this.  That this information was placed into U.S. intelligence agencies files and lay dormant until after the assassination is the highest proof of a conspiracy to kill JFK involving people at a very high level in U.S. intelligence agencies.  

We now know the details, including technical details of the camera operation, the phone taps, one done by the CIA, another phone tap operation by the FBI, and the personnel using and in charge of these surveillance operations as well as the fact that we had double agents inside the Cuban consulate. If it really was Oswald the CIA had more than 10 chances to photograph him going in and out and they failed to do so. 

They also had phone recordings of someone identifying himself as Oswald speaking to Soviet and Cuban consulate employees.  We have information from the CIA thanks to documents declassified by the ARRB.  We have information from Mexican authorities, we have information from Cuban officials, and we have the Russian side of the story thanks to the book, “Passport to Assassination,” by Oleg Nechiporenko. Oswald or someone impersonating him attempts to obtain a visa to travel from Mexico City to Cuba and then onto Russia.  He fails to follow up and sign the paperwork.  He makes a big stink, he gets noticed, but that’s it.  

Everything lines up from every perspective about the phone calls until after 10 a.m. local time, Saturday, 28 September.  Then the games begin. For not only is Oswald impersonated, but so too is Sylvia Duran, the receptionist at the Cuban consulate.   

That tape was brought up to Dallas while Oswald was alive and under arrest.  FBI agents interrogated Oswald and listened to the tape from Mexico City.  They were of the opinion that the voice on the tape did not belong to Lee Harvey Oswald.  J. Edgar Hoover himself repeated that conclusion to LBJ early on Saturday November 23, 1963.  

LBJ knew about LHO in Mexico City before the meeting with J. Edgar Hoover on Sat Nov 23, 1963.  LBJ used this to force Earl Warren to chair the commission investigating the assassination.  LBJ was of the opinion that if the story of Oswald in Mexico City got out the public would demand retaliation against Cuba, and possibly the Soviet Union and World War III would begin. It was the ace up his sleeve and he used it to force the conclusion that Oswald acted alone.  
Also, in April 1963 the Dallas Police Dept. investigated the shooting at General Walker’s house.  The bullet used was steel jacketed, not copper jacketed.  After Nov 22, 1963 suddenly the steel jacket bullet becomes copper.  They retroactively altered the evidence because they need to prove Oswald’s capacity towards violence.  See - Walker Shooting

Oswald was never on Cecil McWatters bus     And I don’t think he was in a cab either.  
And Todd ends with circular logic that Oswald had no money so that means no one paid him to be an assassin.  So, everyone, if you have $187.83 or less in your pocket right now that means you’re not an assassin either.  Todd, you’re a schmuck.  

Todd, the cowardly schmuck

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