Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thank you, Rep. Jackie Speier

Congresswoman Jackie Speier

Speier Statement on Passage of the Pence Amendment

Today the House passed the Pence amendment to the Continuing Resolution that would prohibit any funds from being used for Planned Parenthood.

Last night, I spoke on the House floor about a painful time in my life when the pregnancy that my husband and I prayed for was unsuccessful. I had what’s called dilation and evacuation or d & e. The fetus slipped from my uterus into my vagina and could not survive. Today some news reports are implying that I wanted my pregnancy to end, but that is simply not true. I lost my baby.

It is time to stop politicizing women’s health. For some, describing a procedure like the one I endured is nothing more than talking points. But for millions of women like me it’s much more—it’s something that will always be a part of us.

Planned Parenthood provides vital services to women including family planning and cervical cancer screenings. I am disappointed that the House passed the Pence amendment to defund it. These sorts of policies would turn back the clock on women’s health and reproductive rights. I urge the Senate to defeat it. It is time to stop playing politics with our lives.

From The Huffington Post:

JACKIE SPEIER'S UNDENIABLE CHUTZPAH - In Washington, political "courage" generally means taking a position that is popular with banks but will hurt everyday people like, say, cutting Social Security. But California Democrat Jackie Speier displayed the real kind on the House floor late last night. Before she took the floor, New Jersey Republican Chris Smith used his time to graphically describe the process of an abortion. That's when Speier decided to scrap her planned remarks. "That procedure that you just talk aboutwas a procedure that I endured," she told a hushed chamber. In an interview with HuffPost's Elise Foley, Speier elaborated, "As the night wore on, the vitriol and grotesque commentary got worse and worse...I sat there thinking, none of these men on the other side have even come close to experiencing this, and yet they can pontificate about what it's like. It just overwhelmed me."Speier underwent a dilation and evacuation at 17 weeks into her pregnancy in her early 40s, while she was serving in the California Assembly in the 1990s, because medical difficulties made it impossible to continue the pregnancy. The procedure used was the same type that Smith's book described. As she listened, Speier said she became more emotional and made the decision to speak out. "This was a wanted pregnancy, it was the second miscarriage I had had...What they express doesn't come close to the experience that a woman goes through when she is losing a baby or when a pregnancy is terminated. It's a painful, gut-wrenching loss."

To thank her for courage for facing down these Right-wing idiots write to:

Rep. Jackie Speier
Capitol Hill Office
211 Cannon HOB | Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3531 | Fax: (202) 226-4183

Abortion is not black and white, it's not good vs. evil, it's not that Mickey Mouse.  You're not some kind of superhero saving babies when you attack Planned Parenthood. You want to be a hero? Then study medicine, become a doctor and come up with a procedure that guarantees all wanted pregnancies, in all age groups, in every possible situation, will always result in a healthy baby.   

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