Sunday, January 8, 2012

How Fabulous, I've Pissed Off Frenchie!

Subject: Your are a nut
François Carlier
Jan 6 (3 days ago)

to me 

Mister Backes,


My name is François Carlier, a JFK-assassination expert, author of a published book on the Kennedy assassination that is going to its second, revised and expanded edition.

I KNOW Lee Oswald was the sole assassin.

I am only writing to you to let you know that I despise liars and disinformation quacks like you. Not only are you very arrogant, but you are a stupid liar. Your posts on the Education Forum are the worst. How arrogant can you be ? Get a life!

Good thing intelligent men like me write about liars like you to inform the public.
Please don't bother to answer, as your message would go to the trash immediately without being read.

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