Sunday, August 25, 2013

Upcoming JFK assassination conferences news


1.) The Dr. Wecht conference - Passing the Torch will be held October 17th, 18th and 19th. 

Speakers include - Dr. Gary Aguilar, Dan Alcorn, Russ Baker, Rex Bradford, Walt Brown, Jim DiEugenio, Sherry Fiester, Keith Fitzgerald, Robert Groden, Dan Hardway, John Judge, Bill Kelly, Mark Lane, Jim Lesar, Brian Litman, Dr. David Mantik, Dr. Robert McClelland, Joan Mellon, Jefferson Morley, Tim Nicholson, Lisa Pease, Jerry Policoff, Larry Sabato, Pat Speer, Jeffrey Sundberg, David Talbot, Robert Tanenbaum, Donald Thomas, Josiah Thompson, Dr. Cyril Wecht

2.) There will be a conference on the JFK assassination in Olney, Illinois on Friday October 25th and Saturday October 26th, 2013.  There is a press conference on Thursday night the 24th.

They have a blog site -

And they're on Facebook -

And on Twitter -

Speakers include - Ed Tatro, Doug Horne, Judyth Vary Baker, Rick Russo, Davis Denton who is the host for the conference, James Wagenvoord, Philip Nelson


3.) JFK Lancer conference - will be held in Dallas, Texas on November 21st through November 24th.  More information is at their website

4.) Coalition on Political Assassinations will hold their conference November 22nd to the 25th.  
More information is available on their website.  However, if you use the link that lists the speakers you get "Page Not Found." Typical.

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