Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Folks, it's just not true

I was very disappointed that Doug Campbell who referenced me in the beginning of his podcast show, "The Dallas Action," where I explained that what some folks were getting agitated about was not true at all went ahead and read a part of Mr Aid's article as though the CIA had recently raided the Kennedy and Johnson libraries and that thousands of pages of documents were removed.

It's not true.

There is no "loophole," in FOIA that the CIA is using to reclaim declassified documents so that they can mark them as classified and withdraw them from the public.  This is not true.

The show description says, "Today we explore how the CIA has, for two decades, been using a FOIA loophole to take back thousands of pages of previously declassified material, INCLUDING material housed in both the Kennedy and Johnson presidential libraries."

This is not true.  There is not a word, not a syllable, not a vowel, not a consonant of truth to this.

This crap came from Deb Galentine and others in the Facebook private group "JFK: Uncensored."

These idiots took a Bush - Cheney era policy, as outlined in Executive Order 13292, signed on March 25, 2003 and an article about this by Matthew Aid  published in 2006 titled, "Declassification in Reverse," and then they looked at the CIA's success in blocking release of Volume 5 of a 5 Volume study on the Bay of Pigs by claiming the fifth FOIA exemption, known as B-5, and then they took information from The Marry Ferrell Foundation ( see below ) in which Withdrawal notices appeared in the very first release of documents in August of 1993 on the JFK Assassination pursuant to the JFK Act and ahistorically, and in total ignorance tied them all together into a belief that the CIA was using FOIA to remove declassified records from Archives I and Archives II, as well as the JFK and LBJ Library, and they are doing this now, that this is currently happening.

It's not.

There is nothing in FOIA granting any agency the right to reclaim a declassified document.  The power to do this was in the Bush E.O.  But it was a completely stupid thing to do as Mr. Aid showed because you cannot unpublish a Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) volume.  Nor can you make them or their content classified.  Mr. Aid showed the enormous stupidity of the Bush era E.O. by showing a scan of the withdrawal form and then the relevant page in the FRUS.

Bush's executive order amending Clinton's executive order 12958 was made null and void by Obama's executive order 13526.

The claim that the JFK and LBJ libraries have been raided is completely false as a careful reading of Aid's article demonstrates.

The withdrawal notices in the Aug 1993 JFK records release were current in 1993. They are not current now.  So, let's look at the documents highlighted in yellow

101.) If you put in the RIF number they give - 1993.07.17.09:58:12:430560, you will get 1 hit.
So, click on "Display search results," and you'll get

Click on Full

And it's Open In Full

104.) If you put in the RIF number they give - 1993.07.17.09:01:36:310560, you will get 1 hit.
So, click on "Display search results," and you'll get

Click on Full for full result

And you get this.  And you'll see it's Open In Full

105.) If you put in the RIF number they give - 1993.07.17.09:13:08:780560, you will get 1 hit.
So, click on "Display search results," and then "Full" you'll get

It's Open In Full, too.

106.) If you put in the RIF number they give - 1993.07.17.08:39:39:870560, you will get 1 hit.
So, click on "Display search results," and you'll get this.  So, it's released with some deletions, this is considered Postponed in Part.

109.) Following the steps above this one is Open in Full.

110.) And this one is Open In Full

So, all have been released with only one of them having some redactions.

I asked Deb Galantine and others since they started this to repost my information that demonstrates that a their story was not true.  She wouldn't do it.

I went into great detail showing that there is no truth to the alarm bell Deb Galentine was sounding.  They even had one of their precious moderators ask me, well, how do you know it's not true, and that it's not going on?

I was stunned.  Are they kidding? I'm still stunned.

I gave him a listing of at least half a dozen agencies, watchdog groups, and professional organizations, both historical and archival that would be screaming about this if this was going on now.  They're not, and the reason they're not is because it's not going on now.

That didn't register with this dim bulb, Brian Hendrix

To get it this wrong and not own up to it just amazes me.

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