Well, apologies to all, but I failed to get there in time. There was an epic rainstorm that I dove into coming down from NY into Maryland on Weds. And there was a lot of traffic at various points especially around Harrisburg and then getting close to the ol Mason Dixon line. And then one heads West when it got dark and there were many very thick patches of fog. It was dark and rainy when I got there.
I arrived as it was ending, and Alan Dale cried out, "There's Joe!" And, "It was great."
Not a great entrance. So, again, sorry folks, I tried. So, should John do another one of these things in the western part of Maryland I'll have to go down the day before the event.
But I did get to spend some time at Archives II which was fun. I'm much more familiar with College Park, Maryland and the area around Archives II. There continues to be a lot of development around the area, lots of hotels, student housing, and apartment complexes.
I spoke briefly with Alan and he commented that he's hearing the total number of records being withheld is around 36,000 and change.
If one includes a document that is considered Postponed in Part (PIP) along with the Postponed in Full (PIF) for all of the agencies I have about 26,000 and change. I have recently added the "Not Believed Relevant" documents that are a part of the JFK Records Collection but I only have RIF numbers for the CIA NBRs and none if there are any, and I assume there might be with other agencies. There are 641 of these CIA NBRs and these numbers appear only in the NARA JFK online database, just put into the search field "Not Believed Relevant." They were not in the ARRB listing of RIF numbers as published in the Federal Register nor the unpublished ones created from April 8th, 1998 onwards until October of 1998 where the ARRB put only summaries of what they were releasing. These unpublished RIF lists are in the ARRB files at Archives II.
I took awhile to create my list and as one goes along it's akin to the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco, once you finish you have to start all over again, not in the sense of you got the RIF numbers wrong, I know I got them right, but that where you had its status as POP or PIF the document may now be Open in Full.
The NARA staff is working well with some agencies and several are now OIF but you'd only know this if you've got the RIF numbers and the status per the ARRB info and you put in the RIF again to see if there's a change. I've been doing this as I reorganize my list trying to have the most current information. I'm keeping a master withheld list and now I've been breaking that down by agency.
More later.
I arrived as it was ending, and Alan Dale cried out, "There's Joe!" And, "It was great."
Not a great entrance. So, again, sorry folks, I tried. So, should John do another one of these things in the western part of Maryland I'll have to go down the day before the event.
But I did get to spend some time at Archives II which was fun. I'm much more familiar with College Park, Maryland and the area around Archives II. There continues to be a lot of development around the area, lots of hotels, student housing, and apartment complexes.
I spoke briefly with Alan and he commented that he's hearing the total number of records being withheld is around 36,000 and change.
If one includes a document that is considered Postponed in Part (PIP) along with the Postponed in Full (PIF) for all of the agencies I have about 26,000 and change. I have recently added the "Not Believed Relevant" documents that are a part of the JFK Records Collection but I only have RIF numbers for the CIA NBRs and none if there are any, and I assume there might be with other agencies. There are 641 of these CIA NBRs and these numbers appear only in the NARA JFK online database, just put into the search field "Not Believed Relevant." They were not in the ARRB listing of RIF numbers as published in the Federal Register nor the unpublished ones created from April 8th, 1998 onwards until October of 1998 where the ARRB put only summaries of what they were releasing. These unpublished RIF lists are in the ARRB files at Archives II.
I took awhile to create my list and as one goes along it's akin to the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco, once you finish you have to start all over again, not in the sense of you got the RIF numbers wrong, I know I got them right, but that where you had its status as POP or PIF the document may now be Open in Full.
The NARA staff is working well with some agencies and several are now OIF but you'd only know this if you've got the RIF numbers and the status per the ARRB info and you put in the RIF again to see if there's a change. I've been doing this as I reorganize my list trying to have the most current information. I'm keeping a master withheld list and now I've been breaking that down by agency.
More later.
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