Friday, August 9, 2019

The TSBD and BudaPest stupidity

There are several problems one encounters if one wants to research the history of the Texas School Book Depository.  The first is trying to separate out records actually dealing with the true history of the entity and not the building at 411 Elm street.  I call it an entity because you have to separate it from the building at 411 Elm Street. We’re not interested in the history of the building. The Texas School Book Depository existed prior to 1963 when it moved into the building at 411 Elm Street.  

IDIOTPANTS has been huffing and puffing his failure to understand what he steals off the internet and presents as his own ideas. He has found an ad for The Texas School Book Depository from The Texas Outlook in 1923. He claims this ad from 1923 is bogus because he insists The Texas School Book Depository was not registered as a corporate entity until 1927. So, therefore, in his tiny mind, this is absolute proof it did not exist at all prior to 1927 and thus the 1923 ad is a fake.

What a moron.

If he had spent another minute on his Google search he would actually learn something. 

Let’s go back and carefully examine the ad. 

There is a name next to Texas School Book Depository.  It’s Hugh Perry.  Well, who is he?  “A History of Greater Dallas and Vicinity, Volume 2,” by Philip Lindsley and Luther B Hill ( It’s available as a free download. ) tells us that Hugh Perry is the proprietor of the Texas School Book Depository.  He was born in Newman, Georgia in 1858.  He moved to Texas when he was 14 in 1872.  He soon established himself in the retail book business in Sherman where the Houston and Texas Central Railroad was.  He was very successful and quickly moved into the field of school textbooks.  There were a number of schools and colleges in Sherman who were his customers.  He moved to Dallas in 1903.

In May of 1907 he established The Texas School Book Depository.  And in 1908 a two story building was built at 485-487 Commerce St to house the business. This address served as the central headquarters of the business.  It also had other central and smaller branch depositories throughout the state of Texas. The books Hugh Perry handles have been “officially adopted by the state of Texas for use in its public schools.”  The Dallas site was its central wholesale distributor.  It had branches in each county seat, and in each town whose population was more than a thousand. That made for a total of 622 branch depositories as required by state law and another 273 other depositories not required by state law for a total of 895 branches.  

So, no, it’s not impossible for Hugh Perry to run an ad for his business in 1923.  

But ignore all of those facts.  IDIOTPANTS wants to believe the bullshit of William Weston who thinks the whole idea that the TSBD had anything to do with books is bogus because they were really a CIA front into espionage, drug running and selling guns.  If you're an IDIOT you'll believe and promote the BS of William Weston. 

IDIOTPANTS then goes into another rant that “high school books are provided,” and “students don’t have to buy them.”

WRONG.  Textbooks are purchased by the school districts who then provide them to the students.  They are purchased through the money school districts receive in taxes paid by the property owners within the school district.  And even then some books would have to be purchased.  It may also be the case that the TSBD supplied books to private high schools where, yes, students would have to pay something for textbooks. 

Another idiocy is it wouldn’t make sense for the TSBD to sell high school books which he thinks no one actually buys and to sell college textbooks which people do have to buy.  

Another idiocy is some point he’s trying to make that since the TSBD sold elementary grade textbooks, like the “Dick and Jane” series which introduce children to reading therefore it’s stupid for them to sell high school and college levels textbooks too.  

This is followed by more idiocy that the 1923 ad was published in The Texas Outlook, a trade journal published by the Texas State Teacher’s Association which he insists “did not include college professors.” Really? Who does he think teaches at Texas State universities who train their students into becoming the teachers at high schools? Does he think the Texas State Teacher’s Association is not made up of college professors, or that the readers of The Texas Outlook are not college professors or trained by college professors, or hope to be college professors? 

He goes on to insist that Hugh Perry’s Texas School Book Depository never ever carried textbooks for high school or college. 

He’s called IDIOTPANTS for a reason. 

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